


For example: There are 60 students in a class. The teacher assigned two homework, 40 students finished the first homework, 31 students finished second homework, 4 students did not finish any homework. Please calculate: how many students have finished all the homework?


Complete function howMany() that accepts three arguments:

students: Total number of students

finished: An array. It’s a list of the number of students who finish each homework. The array always contains 2 elements.

unfinish: The number of students who did not finish any homework.

The result should be a number that is the number of students who have finished all the homework.

If it is not possible to get the correct result, please return -1

Sample Test

Test.assertSimilar(howMany(60,[40,31],4) , 15)
Test.assertSimilar(howMany(60,[33,44],3) , 20)
Test.assertSimilar(howMany(60,[40,20],0) , 0)
Test.assertSimilar(howMany(60,[22,11],6) , -1)

내가 푼 것

function howMany(students, finishedEach, unfinish) {
  const finishedTotal = students - unfinish;
  const finishedBoth = finishedEach[0] + finishedEach[1] - finishedTotal;

  return (finishedBoth >= 0)? finishedBoth : -1;

다른 풀이들 (Best Practice, Clever)

// 1.

// 2.
function howMany(students,finished,unfinish){
  let a = finished[0] + finished[1] - (students - unfinish);
  return a < 0? -1 : a;